Variety of ways dilakuan by everyone. Especially for women who crave beauty sure there is in him. Beauty, fashion style on the person of a woman's never-ending, there is just to note the talk dasn course, must be cared for by us all the women. For those who crave a fellow comrade teeap beautiful bright skin of all time. Erikut an interesting trick tips yag we ought to try.
Skin care to get the maximum results need to be done early, regardless of our age. Do not wait for tomorrow unuk memeulai care, by delaying treatment one day only means we have lost an opportunity, and the beauty of our skin eroded, even we can kehilagan beauty for ever and ever.Sometimes we feel frustrated by nagging parents, even though we knew he meant well. However, it helps us to better follow their advice, because some of them were able to help us maintain the beauty. What?
1. "Do not be too often eat instant noodles!"A variety of instant products and fast food has the potential to make the body produce more insulin banya. Insulin triggers the androgen to produce more oil. The result, facial acne was so much easier.
2. "Do not pout!"Apart from unsightly, often sullen (including squint while watching television or while working at the computer), can make the skin around the forehead and mouth so wrinkled faster, makes you look older.
3. "Do not smoke!"You must already know the bad effects of smoking for lung cancer. However, smoking was shown to accelerate the aging process in skin, and make the skin become more dull color.
4. "Hair should not cover the face!"Sometimes we are lazy to straighten your hair cut so there was always a fringe or a lock of hair falling into his face, covering her eyes. Pieces like this are usually banned in schools because they interfere with vision, but it turned out to let the hair touch the face can make skin prone skin. Remember, the scalp and hair is one part of the body that holds a lot of oil.5. "No biting!"In addition to repulsive, which is often bitten nails normally will not grow well. The shape is not easy on the eyes, nails become brittle and break easily, you can more easily become infected.
6. "Do not stay up!"The term "beauty sleep" appears as getting enough sleep can make us more beautiful. When we sleep, the body's cells replace damaged cells to work that day. If we do not sleep, cell replacement process was disrupted. In addition, lack of sleep can make a depressed body and trigger acne.
7. "Sitting is sweet!"As women, we have been taught since childhood to sit down with the sweet, and do not cross legs. The habit of cross-legged (one leg propped on the other foot) apparently can cause varicose veins. If you have long sat on a chair and began to feel sore, silangkanlah legs at the ankles, not at the knee.
8. "Do not teleponan for long!"Letting your cheek touching the phone (or home phone) too long, can cause acne. Not only because many bacteria attached on the phone, but also because many other factors such as friction and heat.
9. "Before bed, wash my face first!"During sleep, our body temperature increases, and the skin will be more easily absorb whatever is on the surface. If that is in our face surfaces are oil, dust, and the rest of the cosmetics, about what will happen on the skin? Better to wash my face and let the skin absorb the cream night during our sleep.
10. "Do not rubbed his eyes!"This habit can make the blood vessels near the ruptured eye. Consequently, in the whites of the eyes will appear red mark that can not be removed except by a laser. In addition, too often rubbed his eyes could make the skin around the eyes so loose and easily wrinkled.Different ages, different skin conditions. So different auto care should be taken to keep the skin firm and youthful. Consider the following article to know the care that must be done by a woman your age.
AGES 20-ANThis is the most effective age to begin treatment to prevent premature aging.1. Begin diligent use toner that helps renew skin cells. Customize with your skin type.2. Invest in high-quality moisturizer that contains SPF, at least SPF 15.3. Always ready with acne medication and care products are noncomedogenic, because this age is the period when acne is more easily arise.
AGES 30-ANIn addition to continuing treatment with a moisturizer and sunscreen, a woman aged in their 30s should also do the following:1. Applying eye-cream in the area around the eyes that had started to appear smooth wrinkles. If ignored, this will increase in wrinkles and make you look old.2. Perform additional maintenance or peeling masks, at least once every two weeksAGES 40-ANThis is when you begin to find wrinkles and brown spots on the skin signs of aging, especially if you do not care since the age of 20. But still, there are still ways to overcome them.1. Use of anti-aging night cream, especially if your skin starts to feel more dry than usual2. Use a cream or serum antikerut made specific to certain parts of the face, for example, to the skin around the eyes, the skin around the mouth, and so on.3. If in your skin brown spots begin to appear, use the product on the spot corrector to even out the color. (
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