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Detection of Blood Sugar Through Tears

Therefore, Meyerhoff and his team tried to develop alternatives that do not trigger a new examination of pain. From a number of experiments, he found that glucose levels in tears of blood sugar levels can reflect accurately, without requiring blood samples.

Some scientists have developed a set of electrochemical sensors that can measure blood sugar levels from crying tears. It becomes an alternative for people with diabetes who can not stand that blood sampling via a needle puncture.

In his research, Meyerhoff using rabbit tears as samples in the laboratory experiments. The results, showing a high degree of accuracy, the same as when checking blood sugar levels through blood samples.

Mark Meyerhoff, who led the study said, about five percent of the population suffer from diabetes. Health disorders is increasing rapidly with increasing rates of obesity in the world, where those who are obese are prone to develop type 2 diabetes.

Those who have diabetes must diligently measure blood sugar levels every day to ensure they are in safe condition. Examination is generally performed fingertip puncture to take blood samples, which will as a medium for measuring glucose levels. Such blood sampling is what sometimes makes some patients reluctant to check blood sugar levels because they feel sick.

"Thus, it is possible to measure the tear glucose levels several times per day to monitor changes in blood glucose without pain," said Meyerhoff, in a report in the Journal of Analytical Chemistry ACS, as quoted from Science of the Daily. (eh)

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