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Without Seamless Varicose

Do not joke about varicose veins. Appearance would be very disturbed, if the skin arise behind the prominent veins. Prevent varicose veins before its too late!

The cause of varicose veins is the destruction of the valve which controls the flow of blood to the heart (vein / vein). The blood becomes stagnant and a bit lumpy, while the pressure in blood vessels that go up on and make blood flow visible twist or stand out. The term is more often used for varices lower leg, although it could actually happen elsewhere.

Which encourages the emergence of varicose veins are:

Congenital genes
Usually derived from parents that make our blood vessels are easily damaged.

Obesity problems
Excess weight will make the blood vessels so that strong pressure had weakened blood vessels.

Hormonal factors
At the time of menstruation or pregnancy in trimesters I & II, where the alleged encouragement vein / veins weaken.

Many work alone stand
The element of gravity that causes muscle vein / vein worked hard to restore the blood upward.

prevention of Varicose veins

1 If you often walk, use the special stockings varicose veins contained in any nearby pharmacy. Stocking is to suppress the ankle and keep the blood vessels, and prevent more blood flow.

2 prop your feet higher than the heart pillow every day go to bed the night to relieve pressure on blood vessels.

3 Exercise every day, walking leisurely could suppress the leg muscles and can pump blood to the upper body.

4 Keep your weight in order not to overdo it.

5 Do not be too often wear high heels, because it will cause a heavier burden of the foot.

6 At the time sitting, do not cross my legs for too long, because it will inhibit blood circulation.

7 At the time sore after walking, lift your feet on a chair so that the load on the foot is not too heavy.

Adnan Ita, (Tabloidnova)

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